Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters is one of the most favorite attractions of us editors at the Disneyland Resort. Yes, between all us here, I am usually the one who scores the highest, check my latest score picture below:

But is not only my better aim that gets me ahead of my friends… it mostly has to do with strategy, knowing which targets to look for, non stop shooting and mostly important: SECRET TARGETS!

The score board at your car will only show you up to 999,999 points, you will actually have to go look up for your picture at the exit to see your actual score, in case you manage to go over a million points… and you can certainly do it…. HERE IS HOW:

1. KNOW THE TARGET VALUES: Focus on the ones that will give you the highest scores. Make sure you hit the black spot inside the target!

Circle – 100 points

Square – 1,000 points

Diamond – 5,000 points

Triangle – 10,000 points

Secret Target – 50,000 points (read our next tips to find out)


2. KEEP FIRING, NON-STOP: Never stop firing. Every five times that you fire and miss a target, you will get 100 points. There’s also a myth (it might be true) that you will get a 100 points at every 10 times you shoot. I never actually tried to pay attention to this, but it does not hurt to keep on firing!

3. FIND YOUR AIM AND NEVER STOP SHOOTING: Once you hit the right spot, maintain your focus and keep on firing, as many times as you want. The target values do not change no matter how many times you shoot and you don’t have to waste time re-focusing.

4. SHOOT THE TARGET WITH THE EDGE LIT UP:  It does not happen often, but when it does, make sure you shoot! The first shot at it is worth 10 times the target value!!!

5. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME: Do not waste your time shooting at circles or squares, unless you can’t find anything else. Just one diamond target will be worth 5 times the square or 50 times the circle target. Always focus on shooting the diamond or triangle targets, and MOST OF ALL, TIP NUMBER 10!!!

6. MOVE YOUR CAR ONLY WHEN NEEDED: Moving your car all the time will make you lose your aim easily. Move it only when necessary. Most locations you can do just fine, just by turning your torso instead.

7. DON’T LOOK AT YOUR SCORE BOARD: If you want to know if you are hitting the target, you can tell by the vibration of the gun. It also blinks green. Looking at score board will only make you lose your aim and waste your time during the ride.

8. USE THE SIGHTS ON TOP OF THE GUN: They are actually useful to help you recognize where the red laser dot is in relation to your gun. Dot it right at the beginning of the ride. If the laser dot is not properly aligned, you can learn how you have to compensate right then. The red laser dot is what has to hit the black dot in the center of the target. DO NOT CHANGE your target too often, the time it takes to re-focus will cost you points.

9. KEEP SHOOTING WHEN THE RIDE STOPS: That’s when you can actually go for the 1,000,000 or more! When the ride stops, keep on shooting that one high value target non stop, you will keep on making points while not struggling to keep your aim or find a new target.

10. SECRET TARGET: ZURG’S CHEST!This target is work 50,000 points!!! Check the picture bellow to see where the hole is located. It will be dark and you won’t see the hole, but with trial and error you can manage to hit it once or many times:

11. MAKING ZURG’S TURN HIS CHEST TO YOU: When you see the first Zurg of the ride, you can actually control its movement based on which targets you shoot in the room! Start shooting the green square on the bottom of his gun. He will eventually turn towards you, and usually stay there if you keep wailing on that target. Once you are lined up with Zurg’s chest, aim for the secret target and keep shooting. You can also try shooting at the square next to Zurg’s lever, trying to make him turn, following your cart.

12. FINAL SHOW DOWN: When you see ZURG number 2, there are three targets that should really matter to you. The diamond behind Zurg’s left arm is the one you should hit as soon as you can. You may hit the square on his chest to make Zurg’s arm go up. Do that if needed. In this room, Zurg is really far away and the range that you can do it is very slim (the range is where the track bends and curves you around the room). Line up your laser dot few seconds early and keep your shooting. AS SOON AS YOUR SECRET TARGET RANGE IS OVER, turn your cart 180 degrees to find the little orange robot along the back wall. Shoot the square target, which will make a triangle pop-up and keep at it until the target no longer register your points. If you are quick enough, you can still turn to Zurg and hit the square target on him, or if you are a sharp shooter… try the triangle at the wall behind it.

Now… GO TRY IT! You might just to get a score as good as ours… Good Luck!!!